If you live in an area where flood damage is a very real and present danger, then you will know the risks associated with it. Your insurance premium will be higher than most people’s, you will constantly have a supply of sandbags in case of heavy rain and you will constantly live under the threat of water damage to your home. Anyone that has suffered a flood will tell you just how devastating the consequences can be – it is not something that you would wish on anybody. Communities that are affected by greater flood risks often come together to help each other in times of need. Social media is one of the most important tools when it comes to preventing flood damage and mitigating damage, and in this article we are going to tell you how to use it.
Why Social Media?
Social media is the best way of getting information to people quickly. Most people have access to their Facebook and Twitter accounts on their smartphones, so they don’t need to be at home sitting next to their computers in order to get the most up to date information. If a particularly bad spell of rain is on its way, or some extremely high spring tides are forecasted, then social media is a great way of spreading the word.
Set Up Groups
If there is not already a Facebook group dedicated to flood alerts to your local area, then set one up! Invite all your local friends to join, and ask them to spread the word so that their friends can join too. The minute any news of high tides or heavy rain comes in, make sure your update goes into that Facebook group in order to alert everybody. When it comes to mitigating the damage that floods can cause, preparation is everything. The sooner you start acting on warnings by strengthening your home’s flood defenses, the higher the chances are that you will get away with minimal damage. The group can have a link to local weather forecasting sites, news sites and other websites which issue special alerts in the event of flood risk. All this information together in one place can be very powerful.
Support Each Other
In the event of a devastating flood, a Facebook group can be a brilliant way of pulling together and supporting the local community for those affected. Those who have suffered the most damage will be able to access far more help once more people know about their loss. People can recommend damage restoration companies, cleaning and salvage companies and other tips and tricks for minimizing damage. This sort of online support is priceless, and you never know when you may need it.
Make the most of everything that Facebook has to offer by using it to spread the word about flood risk alerts. Your community will thank you, and it will really help to bring people together in the fight against water damage. It’s very easy to get involved, so what are you waiting for?!
Why Social Media?
Social media is the best way of getting information to people quickly. Most people have access to their Facebook and Twitter accounts on their smartphones, so they don’t need to be at home sitting next to their computers in order to get the most up to date information. If a particularly bad spell of rain is on its way, or some extremely high spring tides are forecasted, then social media is a great way of spreading the word.
Set Up Groups
If there is not already a Facebook group dedicated to flood alerts to your local area, then set one up! Invite all your local friends to join, and ask them to spread the word so that their friends can join too. The minute any news of high tides or heavy rain comes in, make sure your update goes into that Facebook group in order to alert everybody. When it comes to mitigating the damage that floods can cause, preparation is everything. The sooner you start acting on warnings by strengthening your home’s flood defenses, the higher the chances are that you will get away with minimal damage. The group can have a link to local weather forecasting sites, news sites and other websites which issue special alerts in the event of flood risk. All this information together in one place can be very powerful.
Support Each Other
In the event of a devastating flood, a Facebook group can be a brilliant way of pulling together and supporting the local community for those affected. Those who have suffered the most damage will be able to access far more help once more people know about their loss. People can recommend damage restoration companies, cleaning and salvage companies and other tips and tricks for minimizing damage. This sort of online support is priceless, and you never know when you may need it.
Make the most of everything that Facebook has to offer by using it to spread the word about flood risk alerts. Your community will thank you, and it will really help to bring people together in the fight against water damage. It’s very easy to get involved, so what are you waiting for?!